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Sandweg Glacier

Sandweg Glacier, Switzerland, July 2009

Michael & Morgan

Dr. Michael Duerring and Morgan Freestone utilize a Hess Sampler to collect macroinvertebrate samples.

Steinlimi Glacier

Steinlimi Glacier, July 2009 sampling trip.

Steinlimi Glacier

Steinlimi Glacier sampling, July 2009

Steinlimi Glacier

Sampling occurs regardless of weather, July 2009

Lang Glacier snout

An opening in the Lang Glacier 'snout' is formed when the melting ice flows under the glacier's surface and carves a small cave-like breach.

Teamwork at Lang Glacier

The research team collects samples, labels petri dishes and collection materials for later processing at the EAWAG labs.

Hike to Oberaletsch

Oberaletsch Glacier, July 2009

Oberaletsch Glacier

Oberaletsch Glacier sampling site, July 2009

Rhone Glacier

While we didn't sample the Rhone Glacier, we stopped at the overlook site for a photo!

Research Team

Dr. Chris Robinson, Morgan Freestone and Craig Thompson at Rhone Glacier overlook, July 2009.

Morteratsch Glacier

The recession of the Morteratsch Glacier is noted in signs along the pathway stating the glacier was at this location in a certain point of time. This sign refers to the glacier's edge in 1980.

Morteratsch signpost

The signpost on the pathway leading to the Morteratsch Glacier notes the location of the glaciers edge in 1940

Directional Sign

A carved wooden sign pointing in the direction of the Morteratsch Glacier!

Stein Glacier

Stein Glacier trail passes through private property with grazing cows. July 2009

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